Hand Bags,

Can You Really Find Stylish Hand bags

04:19 Sobia Mushtaq 0 Comments

Hand bags are a thing which used every person male or female. They used hand bags for putting personal things in it. Ladies or girls use it for lipstick, glasses, makeup things, hold money and other personal things. Hand bags increases your personality values. Now a day in the market very trendy hand bags are available in different styles and in every color but hand bags in red are very inn. Because red color have its own charm and Women purchase these Hand bags which matched with her dresses and personality. When you go out from home trendy hand bags gives you exclusive look. Hand bags have different color but mostly liked black color and made with leather or soft fabric. Hand bags are made by low cost and simple material. Hand bags term started in 1900s then it used only men for her cards. Every year a collection of hand bags are launched. When girls for going shopping they are feel difficulty in selecting a hand bag. Here different kinds of bags with his name are showed with her qualities.


There are many type of clutch.A small hand bag without band and not put on shoulder hold in hand. Someone have strap a small chain. There are many shapes of  clutch like ovel, rectangular and clutch designs with beads, pearls.


Pouch is small purse or small money bag or coin purse. It is used for coins collection in old days. There are many types of pouch like Brood pouch, Cadaver pouch, Diplomatic pouch and Electric heating pouch etc.

Kelly Bags

Kelly bags make by leather and it is highly priced bags in market. Two bands are used in Kelly bags one is for hold in hand and second is used for put on shoulders.